Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's time to comment!

So- we have almost reached 15 months....

That is the magically age when people say you can start timeout!! Hooray (because we have a "spirited" one on our hands)!!!

I need ideas- did you use a chair, a rug, a stool....
My child may have to be restrained- I'm thinking of using the booster seat, but moving it away from the table as to not be associated with food during time out.

They say 1 minute for every year of why is 15 months not 1 minute but 2??

When did you start time out? How long did it take for he/she to catch on?


  1. We haven't really started. I wouldn't do more than a minute though since he is closer to 12 months than 2. Emerson just laughs if I try to correct her so let me know how it goes!

  2. We started about a month ago. We try to sit him in a chair but it doesn't work very well because he just gets down so we basically have to sit with him and we only do a minute.

  3. "time out" already.......WOW! I have the sneaking feeling that I too will need advise on "time out" procedures :)
