Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fun on the IPad

 Chatham loves to take pictures on the IPad, and he recently discovered the photo booth app.
 Mommy had some fun with it too!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The last few weekends

We started out our weekend with Harper's 18 month appt. She is 75-80 % across the board. 25 lbs, 33 inches.
Dr. L was AMAZED with how much she is speaking and followed directions. I asked about the waking up at night and he assured me it is normal, pointed out two new teeth and STILL gave me a website to rule out night terrors.

Saturday, we woke up to torrential dour pours and LOTS of flooding.

The sun came out and things dried up on Sunday so we played outside.
(yes, in our jammies- it's my kids FAVORITE outfits)
There was a turtle crawling through the mulch, so Devin brought it onto the patio for the kids to check out.
Chatham got a nice little shiner playing baseball with Daddy. He said "I think an icey pop as an ice pack will help, but then I can eat it".
 The rain wasn't enough water for us, so we headed Downtown to pay at the splash pad. 
 Harper loves running in and out of the water- I think a trip to Great Wolf is in our future!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Bump in the Dark

So...once again the lack of blogging...but this time for good reason- NO TIME! We have been dealing with insurance and police reports and lack of sleep!

So- let's start at the beginning shall we! This....

happened Thursday night... We hadn't gotten a full night sleep in four days, because Miss Harper is teething AGAIN! So we went to be around 10:00- I was in a DEEP sleep, but was startled awake because I felt the whole house shake...I opened my eyes and Devin's hand was on my arm, I listened for the kids stirring or the dog barking....nothing. I told myself Devin must have rolled over and his hand touching my arm made the think the whole house shook. So I laid there but my gut told me not to go back to sleep. I looked at the clock 11:43....I watched the lights move across the wall and the cars went by outside and thought- they're going awfully slow, someone must have wrecked- but I didn't hear any sirens and tried to relax, I couldn't. Right as I was sitting up and constant knocking sound started on the front door- I KNEW IT! I woke up Devin and hurried downstairs to turn off the alarm and answer the door. As soon as I opened the bedroom door I could see the emergency lights outside. (The joys of black out curtains- neither baby woke up!)

Our neighbor, Tiffany, was at the door and said a drunk driver just drove through her yard and then flipped, taking out our back fence and trees. By the grace of God no one was hurt, no one was outside in the yard, but still the damage is pretty bad. We got outside and walked right through the hole in the fence to get to the wreck, a few neighbors and a witness in another car where there. 3 police, 2 firetrucks, and an ambulance. I watched as the driver was given a sobriety test (I had never witnessed such a thing). He wasn't injured, failed the test, and was handcuffed.

 Here is a picture the next morning of the corner of the fence. 

The gentlemen that smashed into our property was a 21 year old whose blood alcohol level was a .21 (nearly 3 times the legal limit!!); he told the police officer on his was to jail "I drink everyday, I like it and am not going to stop. I drink on my lunch break and with friends after work." This BOY is also a father OF THREE!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD! I am disgusted, and now have to leave this mess in my backyard until insurance and landscapers can evaluate the damage and estimate the cost. (the police estimate our damage at $8500- YIKES)

Lesson to be learned- DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

VBS pictures from Suzy

 Suzy sent me the pictures she took at VBS and they are SO good!!

 The kids loved the decorations in the sanctuary. And they even had a face cut out (my favorite).

 Harper did great the first few nights and strutted around like she owned the joint. We did EVERYWHERE FUN FAIR- and the picture below is on Japan night. We learned about the widow that served the last of her bread to Elijah. I had my preschoolers make bread and we ate on the floor with no shoes, just like Japanese culture. 

Chatham's class rotated to the different stations this year and he loved the crafts.

 My Toddlers, and Chatham's preschool group met up each night for recreation time. Chatham would dance with me for a few minutes before running off with his friends. 
 Harper played with every single toy in the nursery and apparently was quite the mother to the other kiddos; handing out toys so everyone had something to play with.
 Chatham got a busted lip and loose tooth at school before the second night of VBS- this was the only smile he'd give. We went to the dentist the next day since his upper gum turned black and blue and his tooth was still loose. Luckily no damage and after 48 hours the tooth tightened back up.
The last night of recreation was the much anticipated parachute game. All the kids love the parachute! (Chatham's in the green, and I'm in the pink chasing Harper behind him)

Monday, July 8, 2013

A few extra pictures and happenings....

 Devin was off the week of the Fourth, and we got A LOT accomplished while both at home. We had new bedroom furniture coming Saturday, so we cleaned out every room upstairs. Chatham got some new furniture as well- and then we set our sights on the playroom.
 Chatham got a new (to us) desk that he LOVES! (Thanks Lisa and Lauren!) He spends about an hour a day sitting at it "doing homework and making calls". He informed me of two things at dinner the night he got it 1) "you and Lisa did good work on that desk"
2) "I facetimed Nana and Daddy but they didn't answer, but Harper did so we talked"
 The last week of June was VBS this year, being a month earlier than usual our attendance was down. So the 4 year olds (Chatham and Cara) got put in the rotation groups and Suzy, Lisa, Katie, and I just had 2 and 3 year olds...
 The last night Harper fell apart in her room and joined my class for the night. Suzy made rounds with our kids one night and snapped pictures, I'll post those once she edits them.
The annual Abernethy Independence day parade was held and I missed it, but some of my favorite teachers scored some GREAT pictures of Chatham and Harper! I haven't gotten Chatham's uploaded yet, but he was very proud of the flag he got to wave!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday America!

 I started out our fourth of July festivities going to daycare to have lunch with these sweeties! Harper was NOT about to look at the camera, she had her "dink" and another class was lining up in the hallway.
 Harper had a week worth of red, white, and blue attire, but this dress was by far my favorite!!!

 Chatham had a lot of fun with the "blinky flashlights" Big Mama got us. After playing with them on the porch it was time for the big show. 
 On the actual fourth we hung out inside to avoid the rain, but after putting Harper to bed it cleared up enough for Chatham to play with sparklers and pop its. Just after he went to bed some neighbors shot off some BIG fireworks- so Devin ran upstairs and brought Chatham out on the porch to watch. He loved them. (in the above picture he is holding a burnt up sparkler and a bag of pop its)
 This fourth of July was the year of the boots at our house- Harper LOVES her red and white stars boots and Chatham wanted to match and only fits in his "worker boots" these days. 
Next up was the annual July celebration in Winston at Aunt Mams. The big boys (Chatham and Thomas) brought their fishing poles and caught a few fish in the pond. There was LOTS of swimming, but I was in the water so much I didn't take a single picture. Chatham can swim now and loves jumping in and swimming across the pool. He even conquered the diving board at Chris and Suzy's!! We are SO proud of you C-Weed!!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another trip to the Moo-ze-um

 It is butterfly season at the Catawba Science Center- so of course we went to check it out. After a 5 minute lesson on moths, caterpillars, cocoons, chrysalis, and more- we were then informed that the butterflies themselves were sleeping and the exhibit was closed for a few hours. BUMMER!
 So we made our way to the other exhibits and hit the JACKPOT- Race cars and building blocks!
 Again, I joined in the fun with the blocks and not a single picture was taken- but they had foam blocks and pvc pipe to building life-size structures and some had grooves in them to race plastic balls- and Chatham and I  HAD to build a block tower bigger than Daddy's!!!
No trip to the Science Center is complete without the obligatory picture in front of the large fish tank. I love comparing them to see how much they've grown!!