Monday, July 8, 2013

A few extra pictures and happenings....

 Devin was off the week of the Fourth, and we got A LOT accomplished while both at home. We had new bedroom furniture coming Saturday, so we cleaned out every room upstairs. Chatham got some new furniture as well- and then we set our sights on the playroom.
 Chatham got a new (to us) desk that he LOVES! (Thanks Lisa and Lauren!) He spends about an hour a day sitting at it "doing homework and making calls". He informed me of two things at dinner the night he got it 1) "you and Lisa did good work on that desk"
2) "I facetimed Nana and Daddy but they didn't answer, but Harper did so we talked"
 The last week of June was VBS this year, being a month earlier than usual our attendance was down. So the 4 year olds (Chatham and Cara) got put in the rotation groups and Suzy, Lisa, Katie, and I just had 2 and 3 year olds...
 The last night Harper fell apart in her room and joined my class for the night. Suzy made rounds with our kids one night and snapped pictures, I'll post those once she edits them.
The annual Abernethy Independence day parade was held and I missed it, but some of my favorite teachers scored some GREAT pictures of Chatham and Harper! I haven't gotten Chatham's uploaded yet, but he was very proud of the flag he got to wave!

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